Before we were able to get buy-in from internal partners to produce podcasts at scale at Marriott International, we recorded them ourselves. I personally recorded and edited this particular episode of our Behind the Design series with commercial airline pilot and travel influencer Bill Young.
Once we established podcast franchises we brought on a podcast partner and began regular programming. I worked closely with the team to pitch creative content campaigns to Marriott International’s 30 brands. Once produced, I developed both our social strategy and creative to promote each episode. Below are examples of social creative I developed.
No longer is podcasting just for hobbyists, self-promoters, and technical broadcasters. There are new demands: for high production value, for quality crafted content, for bigger names. The floodgates of opportunity have opened in the world of audio entertainment. With the success of podcasts a perspective change has come in content strategy. The way we look at long-form content is changing. Modern audiences are listening more than ever.
Podcast listeners are among the most engaged and loyal audiences ever. The nature of the medium means that podcast hosts speak directly into our ears for over 30 minutes at a time, and as a result many listeners build a strong affinity with the content and show host.
We now have regular programming for three macro level podcasts, Let’s Talk Points, Behind the Design and Checking In, that serve micro level needs of our internal partners and brands at Marriott International.